RS Fabricators

HSE Policy

R S Fabricators Private Limited is Committed for the health and safety of whoever working in our sites along with taking care of environment aspect. The company will comply with all statuary and legal requirements and applicable codes.

The company will systematically manage risk for preventing all injuries, eliminating unsafe practices and environmental issues from our activities.

Provide and update relevant safety and health information to all employees, Impart all necessary training required for the safe, healthy and environment friendly working

  • To have sustainable Growth with accident / incident free occurrences at Client sites and shops.
  • Provide safe working Environment to all associated with our work at site.
  • Protect personnel from any health hazards that may be associated with the work.
  • Reduce Environmental impacts and improve performance regularly.
  • To comply with all statuary & legal Requirement.
  • All jobs will be carried only after risk Assessment and with mitigation plan in place.
  • Without General PPEs and job specific PPEs, no Crews will be deployed.
  • Deployment of right skill crews, correct and Certified tools.
  • Special checks for gas cutting, grinding and cutting, lifting gears and devices and cranes and Trailers.
  • Electricals inspection Certification, safety checklist for all machines and devices with proper earthing and use of 30 milli amps ELCB.
  • Follow of Work at height Procedure.
  • Ensure obstruction free escape route.
  • Report all incident/accident and carryout investigations.
  • Timely compliance of all applicable Legal /statutory/ Regulatory requirements.
  • Improve HSE culture among all those who are associated with our work site by imparting necessary Training.