This policy supplements the Health & Safety policy statement and describe how we discharge our duties under the work at Height Regulations act 2005. Falls from Height are the most common cause of fatal injury and the second most common cause of major injury to those working in the construction industry.
We will provide a safe working environment for all employees who may be required to work at height. We will achieve this by:
R S Fabricators Private Limited does not employ any person below the age of eighteen years at the workplace. RSFPL prohibits the use of child labour and forced or compulsory labour at all its units. No employee is made to work against his/her will or work as bonded/ forced labour, or subject to corporal punishment or coercion of any type related to work.
This policy is publicly available throughout the Company and clearly communicated to all employees in a manner in which it can be understood through induction program’s and policy manuals. The implementation of the policy is the responsibility of the unit’s human resources department and the security staff, who do not permit minors to enter the factory as workers. There is zero tolerance policy towards its breach. Employment contracts and other records, documenting all relevant details of the employees, including age, are maintained at all units and are open to verification by any authorized personnel or relevant statutory body. The unit provides an annual report to the functional head on any incidents of child or forced labour.
R S Fabricators Private Limited trustworthy reputation is the foundation of our business and we recognize that it is only through fostering and maintaining a strong compliance culture that we can preserve that reputation and gain even more trust from our customers and business partners. Therefore, we established the Business Conduct Guidelines for Employees and Officers that summarize our way of thinking about compliance, and have been requiring each one of our employees and officers who takes an actual role in compliance to practice in accordance with the guidelines.
With respect to our anti – bribery efforts, we hereby publish that “R S Fabricators Pvt Ltd Anti Corruption Policy “which summarizes our
fundamental approach to anti bribery issues. “In R S Fabricators Pvt Ltd, any conduct that would contravene domestic anti – corruption
laws is strictly prohibited, including the Indian
Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (“PCA”).”
We highly appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our valued business partners regarding this policy.
We believe that we can pursue our value “Challenge & Innovation” only by seizing and maintaining business opportunities through fair and honest competition with our competitors using our business capabilities and the value that we add to our undertakings. In this regard, we have been making efforts to ensure that our employees and officers do not engage in unfair or dishonest competitive practices.
Working hours, breaks, holidays and vacation periods shall be established in compliance with local laws and agreements. Normal working hours shall be 08 hours per day. In case of exigency, thetotal working hours shall not exceed 12 hours per day and 60 hours per week including overtime hours.
Workers will be allowed at least one day off in every seven
days. RSFPL will ensure that all employees are provided with
written agreements of employment and are free to leave their jobs after giving due notice
In addition, compensation paid to workers will comply with all applicable wage laws, including laws relating to the minimum wage, overtime hours, and legally mandated benefits . For each pay period, workers will be provided with a timely and understandable pay statement that includes sufficient information to verify accurate compensation for work performed. All use of temporary, dispatch and outsourced labor shall be within the limits of local law. Equal wages, benefits and working conditions are to be provided to local and migrant workers.
As part of the hiring process, workers must be provided with a written employment contract in English/Hindi/local language detailing the terms and conditions of employment prior to departure from the worker’s place of origin. All work must be voluntary, and workers will be free to quit or terminate their employment at any time. RSFPL will not conceal, confiscate or deny employees their identity or documents, such as government-issued identification, Aadhar card, license, passport or holdings unless such holdings are required by law. Workers shall not be required to pay recruitment fees or other related fees to employers for their employment.
R S Fabricators Private Limited Is committed to an Alcohol and Drug-free workplace to ensure health and safety of all our employees and business partners across operating sites. Use of illegal drugs and alcohol is strictly prohibited and is a mandate for employment.
Employees must abide by all the terms of the Alcohol & Drug-Free Workplace Policy. The terms included in the policy are: